Monday, December 15, 2014

Very first Episode!

Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot Part 1
Curtesy of ABC
Kick Off to the new blog series! Here, today I am going to blog about the first episode ever in Lost. Today we met the heroic Jack. Right from the start you can tell that Jack is going to be the leader, he is also very brave, smart, and quick thinking. We also get introduced to Kate who is also brave, and Charlie who is talkative and kind of geeky.

They crashed on an unknown island. The cockpit and tail both ripped off the main body before they crashed. 48 survivors. Jack leaps out of the forrest and helps people left and right. First a man with a badly torn leg, next a woman 8 months into pregnancy, and a woman who needs CPR. Jack saves everyone that he helps. I thought that was kind of obvious that everyone would be saved because right from the start Jack seemed like a hero. In my opinion I like how obvious they make people's personalities show because then you get an idea of how that person becomes, and you can also easily make predictions on what that character will do. Anyway Jack goes on adventure backed up by Kate, and Charlie to the cockpit to find a transceiver, which makes them able to communicate. When they reach the flight deck they are suddenly trapped inside by a mysterious noise, when the pilot is taken from the cock pit by the monster thing. They found the transceiver but it doesn't seem to work at the moment. They start to run back to the camp, and really running from the sound, and thats where they left us off.

Predictions for Next Episode

Pilot Part 2. In this episode I believe that Jack, Kate, and Charlie will make it back to the camp, but not without finding the mysterious monster animal who tore the pilot apart, and laid him on a tree. That said I believe that the group of survivors will start to make a more organized place, and make a government to make sure people are under control. I think that Jack will be the leader because he already has shown leadership skills, and bravery. People already listen to him.

Can't Wait for the next episode!

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