Sunday, March 22, 2015

We Are Not Alone Part 1

Season 1 Episode 2: Raised by Another 

NOTE: I am making this two parts to cover all the important information of this episode!

In my opinion, this was the most exciting, confusing, and compelling episode yet. I don't even know where to begin.

Claire wakes up and hears a baby crying. She looks down and sees that her baby is missing. She stands up to investigate. Claire walks into the jungle and stumbles upon Locke who has a lamp on top of a desk. He looks up and has a messed up eye. She runs passed him, then she finds a basket with blankets and opens the basket but there is only blood there. Claire then wakes up, screaming with blood on her hands. Everyone runs over to help her out. Once she is calmed down Jack binds her hands because the blood was from her digging into her paws. While he helps her he asks when she first found out that she was pregnant. Claire has a flash back, remembering the first time that she used a pregnancy test. Her boyfriend, Thomas was there too and comforts her by saying that they can do this (Meaning to raise the baby together).

Later on, Jack walks down to the beach and finds Kate. He walks over and just simply just talks (Not flirty) about everyday things. Sayid comes up in the conversation and Jack thinks that he will come back. Jack then brings up the news that Claire is going to have her baby soon.

A while in the future, Charlie talks to Claire and tries to comfort her. She has another flashback of when she is talking to her friend when they enter a psychic's house. He reads her hands and asks about the baby. He then senses a disturbing feeling, immediately stands up and tells them to leave.  
Image result for raised by another lost
Claire and the psychic; Curtesy of Lost-ReWatch's Blog
Back into the present day, it is nighttime. Claire wakes up screaming once again. Everyone rushes over to see what is wrong. Claire said someone attacked her, and they used a needle to try to hurt the baby. A large group of people search the surrounding ground to try to look for the person who attacked Claire. While Charlie sits with Claire to comfort her, Hurley sprints over to Jack saying that they need to keep track of people. Hurley says it will be kind of like a census. Jack agrees. The same night Claire starts to dream of another scenario between her and Thomas. Thomas comes home from work, and Claire is working around the house. Thomas seems a little down, or he is just exhausted. He tells Claire that he can't do this anymore. By "this" he meant their relationship, and of course the baby. Claire tries to make him change his mind by telling him that he said we could raise the baby together but he eventually gets frustrated and stomps down the stairs and out the door.

The next morning, Hurley and Jack come down to the beach. Jack comes down to do his normal thing, which is give out water from the cave and Hurley comes down to start his census. Hurley goes around to everyone and asks for basic information. Name, age, and where you currently live (besides the island). While on the beach Jack, Kate, and Charlie circle up and talk. Jack says that he believes that Claire actually didn't get attacked, he thinks Claire has been dreaming because of the stress and emotional disproportion of her pregnancy. Charlie is outraged and begins to defend Claire's case. Jacks stays relaxed even though Charlie is being a bit rude.

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