Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Mystery Case

Season 1 Episode 12: Whatever the Case May Be

While Kate is wandering around in search for tree fruits she hears a branch break (Omg, what could it be?). She turns around and investigates and hears it again. She then picks up a rock and throws it in the direction of the sound. Sawyer, comes hobbling out holding his knee (would ever expect Sawyer to stalk Kate? umm yeah). After he relieves the pain they walk together and find a waterfall going into a pool of water. The go swimming and underwater they see two dead people sitting in airplane seats. Kate sees a silver case and grabs it with the help of Sawyer. Once they leave the waterfall Sawyer asks her why it is important to her. She says it's not, and so Sawyer takes it.

At the beach camp, the ocean water has been rising so everyone starts to move their stuff up the beach inland. Kate is sitting on the sand when she has a flashback of herself in a bank when three robbers come inside and demand money. The flashback doesn't go far when she snaps back into reality. Kate tries to take the case from Sawyer but he wakes up instantly and grabs it. Kate wants it but Sawyer says no. Kate leaves (Now at about this time, i'm wondering myself).

The next day Sayid walks up to Shannon who is tanning and asks her if she can help him translate some papers that he got from Danielle the french woman (My prediction last post said that Sayid would go to Danielle for help. I at least predicted that they would translate something he took). Shannon says she can't do it, but Sayid finally persuades her to do so. Later on, Sawyer takes the case and tries to pick it. Michael and Hurley say that he won't pick the lock on that sort of case. Michael tells him that without the key, he needs to break it open. Determined, Sawyer continues to the throw case on a rock. It doesn't break open so he throws it on the rock from a tree. When he throws it Kate is there and snatches the case and runs away (Good move Kate). It doesn't take long for Sawyer to ketch up with her and tackles her (LOL nice Kate). He takes it and asks Kate why it is important for her. She doesn't tell him so she walks away. Kate enters the same flashback. Kate knows the robbers and we learn that she is helping them rob the bank.

Curtesy of
Kate back in the modern day tries to recruit Jack to help her get the case. She succeeds and Jack confronts Sawyer. With a little threat Jack easily gets the case. Kate tells him that the key is in the security guards wallet which is buried with them. They unbury the guard and Kate sneakily snatches the key. Jack notices and takes it from her. He says they will open the case together. Kate enters another flashback, The robbers get into the money safe, but when one of the robbers is about to shoot the manager Kate shoots all three of the robbers that she is working with (I didn't know that Kate was tricky). She doesn't kill them though. All she wanted in the bank was to access a private safe. When she opens it she takes a green envelope (Flashback diminishes). Kate and Jack open the case together and when she finds the green envelope she begins to cry. Jack asks her what it means. She says it belongs to the man she killed. That night, Shannon walks up to Sayid and tells him that Danielle wrote the theme song of a movie in french over and over again. Charlie is sitting with Rose and together they ask for help from God.

My prediction for the next episode is that Locke and Boone will continue to search for Kate until they find her. In this episode they did not play a big role. I also think that Jack will will go out to search for Claire as well with the help of Kate. Maybe next episode they will go to Danielle and ask her for her help.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post and blog in general. I really enjoyed it. Keep writing more!
