Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Sun is Rising

Season 1 Episode 6: House of the Rising Sun

In the last episode Jack finds a cove type place with fresh water while he was chasing his white rabbit. Today, he gathers a small group of people to go and get water for the whole camp. The time spent gathering water he realizes that the place could be survivable for the camp. Back at camp the asian man runs and tackles Michael into the water and starts to punch him and try to drown him. Sayid and Sawyer rush to Michael's aid and capture the asian man. They then handcuff the man. Sayid tries to question Michael by asking him why the man was trying to kill him. Jack and Kate bring the water back down to the camp while Locke and Charlie stay to clean up. Locke is suspicious of Charlie, and secretly tries to find out what Charlie is hiding.
Curtesy of FanPop
During the episode the asian woman had many flash backs of her husband. At first he was a very loving man but turned into a frightening person. To marry her and to get her father's blessing he started to work for him. One night he comes home with a lot of blood all of his suit and hands. She tries asking him what he did, but he tells her that he does everything her father tells him to do. Her husband starts to seem like a abusive man. He already controls the relationship more than she does. At the airport before the crash she had made a plan to escape from him and make it look like she was kidnapped. She panics and decides not to do what she had planned and joins her husband on the airplane.

Locke discovers that Charlie is a drug addict. Locke finds his guitar which is on a cliff side and decides to make Charlie a deal. He confronts him and tells him if he gives up the drugs he will find his guitar. Charlie agrees and instantly becomes happy with his long lost guitar. Locke does realize that Charlie will start to feel the drug withdrawal. Back at camp Jack starts to convince some people to move into the cove area where they can easily survive. The only thing blocking people from moving is if a boat passes by they will still be on that island.

The asian woman walks to Michael and speaks to him in english. The woman tells him that her husband tried to kill him because Michael was wearing her father's watch which is precious to her husband and to have honor he must protect that watch. She also tells him that she needs help, and that her husband has a temper (Her name is Sun). Michael talks to the asian man and tells him to stay away from him and his son (I'm not sure if the man understood Michael). Michael also tosses the watch at him.

Jack and the people who want to move in the cove finish packing and make their way up toward the mountain, and toward their new home.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Find your White Rabbit (Part 2)

The camp is running out of water, and people are starting to go into panic mode. Sayid and Kate see that the Asian couple has gotten water mysteriously. Sayid yells at them, asking them where they got it. It is like a battle of two languages. After a few hand signals the husband points to Sawyer. Seems obvious huh? Sawyer of course stole the water, seems like he would do it. Sayid says that Sawyer is a rat and rats always lead them to their hole. And he does. The find his secret stash, although no water is there. Sawyer says that he traded his water for a fish that the couple caught.

Meanwhile Jack is following his dad (His white rabbit). Jack is running for him, and trips and almost falls off a cliff when superhero Locke saves Jack just in time. Locke gives Jack a talk, and tells him about the white rabbit, and how Jack needs to find it. Locke leaves Jack to continue searching for water, while Jack goes back on his hunt for his rabbit. Jack walks into a cove area where there is fresh water running down the rock like a little waterfall, and there is also a lot of baggage from the crash. Jack sees the coffin carrying his father. He walks over and breaks open the coffin but his father is not inside (I'm confused).
Curtesy of Lostpedia

Back at camp they find the thief who stole all the water. The person is giving water to the pregnant lady, Claire. The man gets thrown out of the tent. It is Boone, who earlier in the episode was trying to save the drowning woman but himself was also drowning. The camp gets rivaled up at Boone when Jack magically appears out of the forrest to lecture the camp about how everyone is getting mad at Boone when he was earlier trying to save a drowning woman. He also shares the news of fresh water up in the cove that he was exploring (picture above) and how he is going to lead a team of people to get water the next morning. I'm thinking that Jack's white rabbit is the empty coffin in the coven where his father was supposed to be. I don't understand why he isn't in the coffin because Jack had to break open it to see if his father was in there, so his body couldn't have fallen out. Maybe we will learn in the next episode by right now I'm super confused but also very excited about watching the next episode.

Predictions for Next Episode
Jack and his team will obviously find the water from when Jack was chasing his white rabbit. I also think that Claire will give birth to her baby when Jack is gone getting water which will cause a huge problem for the people at the camp. I think that Boone will try to find a way to revive his reputation but by doing that he could perhaps dig himself deeper in a hole.