Sunday, May 10, 2015

How I have changed this year

 How have you changed this year? This question is something that I ask myself a lot actually. Have I changed for the better or for the worse? And ultimately I believe I changed for the better. A few struggles throughout the year set me back but I climbed over those obstacles. Now, here I am, a fifteen year old freshman boy. I have a different title then I did back in september. The title of Fifteen, not fourteen, but fifteen. It makes me seem more mature. When I greet a person such as my dad's friends I earn the respect of a smile and handshake. I don't get patted on my head anymore, finally.

In school I have became a very smart, motivated, and efficient student. This year, more challenging than the last wasn't actually too hard. Last year in eighth grade I had bad habits. I didn't try and just didn't really care. Now in high school I am working to get into college so things have got to change, and they did. Also I actually kind of like school. Like obviously there are classes that you hate, but the classes that I like is why I wake up at 6:15 am everyday. 

Now for athletics. If you have read my blog author page than you would know that I play soccer competitively. At the beginning of the year I played club soccer. That was a lot of fun, helping me become a better soccer and developing my skills. My high school soccer season just ended last week. I played JV all season, and during the playoffs I was called up for Varsity. Unfortunately I didn't play at all with Varsity, but I still dressed and that is a cool experience. In the middle of the highschool season I got new cleats, the Nike Tiempo white and black edition.

Throughout this year you start to build up sort of an anger for school and you just can't take it anymore. I guess that's what breaks are for. School in May is so aggravating, then it is summer. Summer is so great and exciting and I can't wait for it. The thing is though summer flies by. It is too short. Then it is off to tenth grade, sophomore year. 

I have changed a lot this year, and for the better. First of all my tittle has from 14 to 15, I have also became a motivated, and great student, Thirdly, I am a much better soccer player than I was at the beginning of the year, and lastly, I have built up a anger for school, sort of a chronic anger until summer hits. Mother's Day is today, everything wish their mothers a great day! 

Curtesy of Mother's Day Quotes

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Mystery Case

Season 1 Episode 12: Whatever the Case May Be

While Kate is wandering around in search for tree fruits she hears a branch break (Omg, what could it be?). She turns around and investigates and hears it again. She then picks up a rock and throws it in the direction of the sound. Sawyer, comes hobbling out holding his knee (would ever expect Sawyer to stalk Kate? umm yeah). After he relieves the pain they walk together and find a waterfall going into a pool of water. The go swimming and underwater they see two dead people sitting in airplane seats. Kate sees a silver case and grabs it with the help of Sawyer. Once they leave the waterfall Sawyer asks her why it is important to her. She says it's not, and so Sawyer takes it.

At the beach camp, the ocean water has been rising so everyone starts to move their stuff up the beach inland. Kate is sitting on the sand when she has a flashback of herself in a bank when three robbers come inside and demand money. The flashback doesn't go far when she snaps back into reality. Kate tries to take the case from Sawyer but he wakes up instantly and grabs it. Kate wants it but Sawyer says no. Kate leaves (Now at about this time, i'm wondering myself).

The next day Sayid walks up to Shannon who is tanning and asks her if she can help him translate some papers that he got from Danielle the french woman (My prediction last post said that Sayid would go to Danielle for help. I at least predicted that they would translate something he took). Shannon says she can't do it, but Sayid finally persuades her to do so. Later on, Sawyer takes the case and tries to pick it. Michael and Hurley say that he won't pick the lock on that sort of case. Michael tells him that without the key, he needs to break it open. Determined, Sawyer continues to the throw case on a rock. It doesn't break open so he throws it on the rock from a tree. When he throws it Kate is there and snatches the case and runs away (Good move Kate). It doesn't take long for Sawyer to ketch up with her and tackles her (LOL nice Kate). He takes it and asks Kate why it is important for her. She doesn't tell him so she walks away. Kate enters the same flashback. Kate knows the robbers and we learn that she is helping them rob the bank.

Curtesy of
Kate back in the modern day tries to recruit Jack to help her get the case. She succeeds and Jack confronts Sawyer. With a little threat Jack easily gets the case. Kate tells him that the key is in the security guards wallet which is buried with them. They unbury the guard and Kate sneakily snatches the key. Jack notices and takes it from her. He says they will open the case together. Kate enters another flashback, The robbers get into the money safe, but when one of the robbers is about to shoot the manager Kate shoots all three of the robbers that she is working with (I didn't know that Kate was tricky). She doesn't kill them though. All she wanted in the bank was to access a private safe. When she opens it she takes a green envelope (Flashback diminishes). Kate and Jack open the case together and when she finds the green envelope she begins to cry. Jack asks her what it means. She says it belongs to the man she killed. That night, Shannon walks up to Sayid and tells him that Danielle wrote the theme song of a movie in french over and over again. Charlie is sitting with Rose and together they ask for help from God.

My prediction for the next episode is that Locke and Boone will continue to search for Kate until they find her. In this episode they did not play a big role. I also think that Jack will will go out to search for Claire as well with the help of Kate. Maybe next episode they will go to Danielle and ask her for her help.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Charlie & Kate, Where did they Go? Part 2

Season 1 Episode10 : All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues

Jack and Kate continue their search for Charlie and Kate on their trail. Jack hears a girl scream followed by a weird noise. Jack runs towards the direction of the scream. He runs up a muddy and he then falls down the hill hitting rocks on the way (Aww, clumsy Jack). When he turns off his stomach he sees Ethan who then stomps on his Chest saying that if Jack and Kate don't stop following him than he will kill one of them meaning either Charlie or Kate. Jack somehow throws Ethan over him slamming him into a rock. Ethan feels nothing, immediately turning back towards Jack and getting in a fist fight. Ethan fights him with no problem and to finish the fight he kicks Jack right in the head. While passed out, Jack enters yet another flashback. Turning the corner in the hospital, Jack sees his dad talking to a man. He asks a nurse who is his dad talking to and she replies saying that is the dead woman's husband. She also says that he is threatening to sue. Jack stares at the two for a while (Right now I feel like Jack thinks he did the wrong thing). Jack then wakes up. He immediately stands up and continues to run after Ethan not knowing where he is going because the rain washed the trails away. Kate demands Jack to stop because he banged his head very hard. Jack marches on (He's a Warrior).

Jack in another flashback is in a meeting with his dad and some other people who are questioning Christian (His dad) about the failed surgery. His dad kind off BSs a lot making the surgery sound like it was irreversible. One of the questioners asked Christian if he was aware of the pregnancy. Jack was shocked because that was the first time he heard about the pregnancy. Jack then tells the people around the conference table that he needs to revise his statement. He then tells everyone that his dad was under the influence and also severed one of the patient's major arteries (Jack did the right thing year I think, he is telling the truth for the better. "Way to go Jack").

Jack and Kate continue the search for the missing two when run upon Charlie hung to a tree. Jack desperately holds him up, while Kate climbs a tree trying to cut him down. Charlie was cut down. Jack begins CPR on Charlie. It isn't working, so Jack starts to bang at his chest. Jack won't accept the fact that Charlie is dead, and begins to banging his chest again. Amazingly Charlie wakes up.

Image result for all the best cowboys have daddy issues lost\
Curtesy of wordpress
Back at the camp where Charlie is safe but he won't say a word. Jack tries to play doctor and help him out. Charlie says that he didn't see, hear, and remember anything. He also says that all "they" wanted was Claire. Boone and Locke are still walking determined to find them. Locke toses Boone a flashlight but instead hits steel under a few rocks. They uncover a fair amount of dirt. I personally think that the steel is a trapdoor leading to someplace underneath them.

Wow! What a great episode, it was so compelling and exciting. Well anyway my predictions for my next episode is that they will continue the search for Claire, at least I hope they do. Also maybe Charlie will help them out. I also think that Sayid and maybe a few others will go to Danielle (French Woman) to ask her for her help. Stay Tuned for the next Post!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Charlie & Kate, Where did they Go? Part 1

Season 1 Episode 10: All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues

Note: I am making this episode two parts to cover all the important information

The cave camp area is a mess. Everyone is going nuts because Sayid just came back saying that there are more people on the island then just the people who crashed from the plane, and Hurley is telling everyone that Ethan is the extra person who the census counted but the plane manifest didn't have. Jack asks where Charlie and Claire were, and he was told that they were walking back up. Hurley also says that Ethan was gathering wood around where they were. So in response, Jack and Locke run down, desperately trying to find Charlie and Claire. Locke is an expert tracker and finds where Charlie and Kate were. Jack wants to continue on but Locke says that they should get a search party ready. Jack says no and marches on in search of the two, while Locke goes back to the cave. As of now I am in just complete shock!

(During this episode Jack has a lot of flashbacks of him and his dad) Jack enters his first flashback while sprinting after Charlie and Kate. Jack is in a surgery trying to save a patients life. The surgery is unsuccessful, and the patient dies.

Locke recruits Kate, and Boone to help him to find the missing two. Michael wants to join but Locke denies him telling him to make another party and go south. (Jack enters another flashback) Jack is getting in a fight with his dad about the failed surgery. Jack believes that his dad was impaired by drinking to much alcohol, and so he confronts him. Jack's dad Christian, denies the alcohol consumption but Jack doesn't buy it. (Wow, trustworthy father, huh?) Back to Michael. Right when Locke leaves, Michael decides to go south in search for Charlie and Kate, without anyone's help. I feel like Michael is pissed of by Locke right now, do you?
Curtesy of Lost Virtual Tour
Jack runs into Locke's search party, they join arms and continue to search for them. The new formed search party finds one of Charlie's finger bands that he wrote on. They finds two trails and split up. Kate and Jack take one, and Locke and Boone take the other. (Jack has another flashback) Jack enters his dads office. Christian (His dad) gives Jack and piece of paper to sign saying that the patient had a lot of internal bleeding and died even though the two surgeons worked together. Jack refuses at first saying that his dad was impaired and had no right being in a surgery room. Christian says that if Jack mentions alcohol then Christian himself will be stripped of his license. His dad sweet talks Jack to make him more on his side. Christian also promised that he will never be drunk during a surgery ever again. Jack gives in and signs the paper.

Part Two Coming Soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We Are Not Alone Part 2

Season 1 Episode 10: Raised by Another

Jack and Claire sit down and discuss the baby situation. He asks her basic pregnancy questions to see how she and the baby are doing. Jack brings up that someone pregnant women can kind of hallucinate when they are experiencing stress and emotional imbalance. He then tries to give her some medicine which will relax her. Claire becomes mad. She then stands up and marches off determined to reach the beach. Claire has another flashback. She goes back to the psychic to find out why he was so freaked out. He agrees to tell her. He says that her baby will be in danger unless the baby is raised by her.  (At this point I am confused but I want to know more)

When she snaps out of the dream she begins to have pregnancy contractions. Luckily, Charlie has caught up to her. He tries to help but has no clue what he is doing so he runs up to go get Jack. He finds Ethan around half way up the mountain and tells him and tells him to get Jack and bring him down to help Claire. Relaxed, Ethan says sure and Charlie runs back down to Claire. Claire has another dream of being in a room with a lawyer and two possible adopters of her baby. She takes back her choice at the last second and runs out of the room. After a scene Claire has another flashback, this time back at the psychic's house. He tells her that he has found two great possible adopters in Los Angeles. He said that they will give her 12,000 dollars if she agrees to give them her baby. Claire is confused by reluctantly agrees. He gives her a plane ticket for that day. That is the plane that crashed on the island. So, did the psychic know that the plane was going to crash? (Comment Below)

Sayid appears for a split second before disappearing. He has a bandage around his knee and is using a walking stick to sort of hobble. Wherever he is, he is running from something. Back to Claire. Her contractions stop so he and Charlie get up off the ground and start walking back to the cave. Sayid stumbles into the cave where people immediately rush and circle around him. Sayid tries to talk, but Jack is telling him to relax. Sayid blurts out that "they" meaning people who crashed on the plane are not alone. At the same time Hurley rushes in attracts Jack's attention to him. Hurley said that during his census he listed one more person then was on the plane manifest. Jack simply just stares at Hurley. The very last scene of the episode is Charlie and Claire happily walking up the mountain in a wooded area. Ethan pops out, without Jack. Charlie asks him where's Jack. Charlie asks multiple times but Ethan just plainly looks at them (Very Creepy). 
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Ethan, Claire, and Charlie : Curtesy of

Is Ethan the extra person? Comment your thoughts and answers below!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

We Are Not Alone Part 1

Season 1 Episode 2: Raised by Another 

NOTE: I am making this two parts to cover all the important information of this episode!

In my opinion, this was the most exciting, confusing, and compelling episode yet. I don't even know where to begin.

Claire wakes up and hears a baby crying. She looks down and sees that her baby is missing. She stands up to investigate. Claire walks into the jungle and stumbles upon Locke who has a lamp on top of a desk. He looks up and has a messed up eye. She runs passed him, then she finds a basket with blankets and opens the basket but there is only blood there. Claire then wakes up, screaming with blood on her hands. Everyone runs over to help her out. Once she is calmed down Jack binds her hands because the blood was from her digging into her paws. While he helps her he asks when she first found out that she was pregnant. Claire has a flash back, remembering the first time that she used a pregnancy test. Her boyfriend, Thomas was there too and comforts her by saying that they can do this (Meaning to raise the baby together).

Later on, Jack walks down to the beach and finds Kate. He walks over and just simply just talks (Not flirty) about everyday things. Sayid comes up in the conversation and Jack thinks that he will come back. Jack then brings up the news that Claire is going to have her baby soon.

A while in the future, Charlie talks to Claire and tries to comfort her. She has another flashback of when she is talking to her friend when they enter a psychic's house. He reads her hands and asks about the baby. He then senses a disturbing feeling, immediately stands up and tells them to leave.  
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Claire and the psychic; Curtesy of Lost-ReWatch's Blog
Back into the present day, it is nighttime. Claire wakes up screaming once again. Everyone rushes over to see what is wrong. Claire said someone attacked her, and they used a needle to try to hurt the baby. A large group of people search the surrounding ground to try to look for the person who attacked Claire. While Charlie sits with Claire to comfort her, Hurley sprints over to Jack saying that they need to keep track of people. Hurley says it will be kind of like a census. Jack agrees. The same night Claire starts to dream of another scenario between her and Thomas. Thomas comes home from work, and Claire is working around the house. Thomas seems a little down, or he is just exhausted. He tells Claire that he can't do this anymore. By "this" he meant their relationship, and of course the baby. Claire tries to make him change his mind by telling him that he said we could raise the baby together but he eventually gets frustrated and stomps down the stairs and out the door.

The next morning, Hurley and Jack come down to the beach. Jack comes down to do his normal thing, which is give out water from the cave and Hurley comes down to start his census. Hurley goes around to everyone and asks for basic information. Name, age, and where you currently live (besides the island). While on the beach Jack, Kate, and Charlie circle up and talk. Jack says that he believes that Claire actually didn't get attacked, he thinks Claire has been dreaming because of the stress and emotional disproportion of her pregnancy. Charlie is outraged and begins to defend Claire's case. Jacks stays relaxed even though Charlie is being a bit rude.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hurley's Time to Shine Part 2

 Season 1 Episode 9: Solitary

While Sayid is locked up and Danielle is looking at him, she mentions her husband Robert. She shows him a music box that Robert gave her. It is broken, and he says that he can fix it for her. Her eyes are open with amazement, but instead of becoming excited she gets a syringe and a bottle of drugs and inserts the drugs into his body. The next time he wakes up he is in a chair with the music box in front of him. He is confused why she needed the drugs to move him and she replies and says it was the only safe way to do it.

Curtesy of LostPedia
Sayid becomes concerned, and asks her how they ended up here on this island. She says that she, Robert and a team of scientists were on a expedition and on the ocean and sailed to close to the rocks of this island. Then a big wave knocked the boat into the rocks and totally wrecked the boat. After being on the island a while she said that Robert and the other scientists became mentally sick and got killed by a horrific thing. He asks who is this thing, but she doesn't answer. Sayid starts to think that the thing is actually her, Danielle. She asks him if he thinks she is insane. Now this time Sayid doesn't answer. He grows to fear her and keep his space.

At the golf course, Jack, Michael, Hurley and Charlie continue to play in peace. A few people start to watch them. The news spread down to the beach where Boone decides to go. He tells his step sister Shannon and Kate. At first Kate doesn't believe it but determines to hike up to the course. When they get there, a crowd has already been formed. People watching them actually start to bet. Money has no value here so they bet on their dinner.
Sayid in the Jungle
Sayid and Danielle continue talking as Sayid finishes fixing the music box. They suddenly hear a horrify roar. Danielle immediately grabs a backpack and a gun and runs up the ladder disappearing.  Sayid unlocks the chains around his hands and grabs another gun and runs outside. Sayid and Danielle meet again in the jungle. They both raise their guns and point them at each other. Sayid shoots but nothing happens, because the firing pin was removed. Danielle says Robert didn't realize that either when she shot him. Sayid freaks out and runs off. He manages to get away without being followed. He ends up still in the jungle confused and fades away.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hurley's Time to Shine Part 1

Season 1 Episode 9: Solitary

NOTE: I am making this two parts to cover all the important information of this episode!

I don't know about you guys but in my opinion I think this was the coolest and most exciting episode yet. There is so much to talk about and a lot of interesting stuff to be told.

The episode starts out with Sayid sitting on the beach looking at pictures of a girl (Sayid left the group). He sees an odd object lying in the sand. He gets up and wanders over to the object realizing that it is a rope. He pulls the rope out of the sand and starts to walk, following the rope. Meanwhile, Jack is helping Sawyer put new wrap on his knife wound from Sayid. They start to trash talk and Sawyer brings Kate into it, so Jack tells him to tie his own bandages and stomps off.

(Back to Sayid) He is walking with the rope until he almost walks right into a thick wire. He steps over the wire but immediately gets pulled up into a net trap tangled around his leg. A few minutes later, Sayid passes out. When he walks up he hears footsteps and becomes nervous and scared. A knife quickly comes into view and cuts a different rope which makes Sayid fall. A person walks up to him right when he loses his conscious and passes out yet again. He wakes up to being tied to a bedpost and himself laying on a bed. A woman's voice talks to him asking him where Alex is. Sayid doesn't know Alex and so responds saying he doesn't know who he is. The woman electrocutes him. She repeats this a few times until he tells her that he followed a rope here because he thought that it had something to do with the distress signal from the french woman. The woman is named Danielle who sent out the distress call. She then knocks him out.
1X09 SayidFlash
Curtesy of LostPedia

Back at the inland camp Hurley receives a few bags from Locke. He looks in them and freaks out in happiness. Hurley later on takes a shirt and whatever he found in the bag and runs away. Jack calls after him but only giggles back. A little later Charlie talks to Jack and says that Hurley wants him to come check out what he has been doing. Jack and Michael walk into a open field where Hurley is. He introduces them to a two-hole golf course that he built. At first Jack and Michael are mad and asked him questions like why would you be wasting your time on this, and why have you been screwing around while we are all at danger and trying to survive. They quickly snap out of their moods and get trapped into the fun. They both get really into it, and the four of them start to have a friendly competition. It seemed like Jack and Michael were on a team, and Hurley and Charlie on the other team.

Part II coming soon!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Who really is Sawyer?

Season 1 Episode 8: Confidence Man

Kate is walking on the beach alone, when she is upon clothes. She turns and sees Sawyer skinny dipping in the ocean. Immediately after, Boone is caught going through Sawyer's horde and gets beat up by Sawyer. Shannon helps Boone hobble to Jack asking for help. He tells Jack that it was Sawyer who beat him up because he was looking for an inhaler because Shannon has asthma. Jack knows that this is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with. Sayid and Jack confront Sawyer and demand for the medicine but he will not budge. They let Kate talk to him. He shows her a letter that a kid wrote to him and makes her read it aloud. It is very disturbing, and pretty much says that Sawyer killed his parents because he had intercourse with the kid's mom and the dad both killed his wife and himself.
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Curtesy of LostPedia

Sun, the Korean woman tells Michael that she could probably help Shannon with her asthma (Remember, Michael is the only person who knows that she can speak english). She recruits Michael to help her. Meanwhile Jack and Sayid are becoming even more paranoid that Sawyer won't tell them where the inhalers are. Jack agrees to let Sayid use violence to get Sawyer to tell them. Sayid uses minimal tortue but is bad enough to make Sawyer scream. Sawyer falls apart and tells them that he will only tell Kate. Sawyer exclaims he needs a kiss to tell her. She reluctantly agrees realizing that Shannon's asthma is the bigger problem. After the kiss, Sawyer tells Kate that he doesn't have the medication. Sayid rushes in. Sawyer managed to uncuff his hand and the too lunge at each other. The fight ends up with Sayid's knife in Sawyer's arm.

The next day Sawyer wakes up and Kate is watching him closely. Kate talks to Sawyer about the letter. He tells her that Sawyer isn't his real name, it is the kid's name. The letter also actually written by Sawyer to another man, and the name Sawyer is just an alias. He explains to Kate that con man ruined his family so he became one too (If you want better detail on this last part the conversation between Kate and Sawyer is 35 minutes into the show).

Charlie Mans Up

Season 1 Episode 7: The Moth

Charlie is playing his guitar in the cave area, obviously struggling and in pain because of his drug withdrawals. Locke asks him to go on a walk with him, so he goes. Charlie starts running and it sounds like a boar is chasing him, but suddenly the boar gets trapped in a net, made by Locke. Charlie complains about his drugs and Locke decides to let Charlie ask for his drugs three times, and on the third time he will get them. Charlie has been getting flashbacks from his brother who is also in the band named Liam. Liam is the reason that Charlie started using drugs. Jack stops by the beach only to grab some of his stuff, and vital recourses. Kate and Jack get into a little argument but eventually Jack just walks away. Right when he leaves Sayid comes up with a plan to track down the french signal that has been transmitting for 16 years. He recruits Kate and Boone to help him out. The plan is to set up a triangular signal pattern with a transceiver on each triangle point to close in on the signal. To tell each other that they are in place they use bottle rockets to act like a flare gun. They start to hike to get to their assigned areas.
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Meanwhile Jack returns to the cave and gets in another argument but this time with Charlie. They are inside a cave when it suddenly collapses. Charlie barely makes it out. Everyone there starts to dig to try to get Jack back. Charlie decides to run down to the beach to get more help, Hurley tells Charlie to tell Kate too. When Charlie gets there he tells everyone so Michael and a few more people rush up to help but Kate is missing. Sawyer informs him what Sayid has in plan for. Sawyer says he would tell her. He finds Sayid and Kate but doesn't tell Kate what has happened. Charlie makes it back to the cave. Jack is pinned down inside the cave so they need someone to crawl in and unpin him. Charlie steps up and goes into the tunnel. The tunnel collapses so now both of them are trapped.

Kate finds her triangle point. Sayid leaves her and Sawyer so he can go to his point. Sawyer tells Kate the new of Jack being trapped. She leaves in a flash and lets Sawyer be responsible for setting the transceiver off. When Kate arrives at the camp she learns that Jack and Charlie are both trapped in the cave. She panics and starts digging. Inside the collapsed cave Jack asks Charlie about his drug addiction. He offers his help and Charlie seems grateful. A minute later Charlie sees a moth and finds light. The too trapped people dig their way up and find themselves outside. They surprise the camp by arriving out of the blue.

All of the bottle rockets went off and Sayid finds a signal and starts to close in on the repeating message. Suddenly he gets hit from behind by a stick which knocks him out cold. Back at the cave Charlie asks Locke for his drugs for the third and last time. Locke honors his deal and hands him the drugs. Instead off walking away, Charlie just throws the drugs in the fire.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Sun is Rising

Season 1 Episode 6: House of the Rising Sun

In the last episode Jack finds a cove type place with fresh water while he was chasing his white rabbit. Today, he gathers a small group of people to go and get water for the whole camp. The time spent gathering water he realizes that the place could be survivable for the camp. Back at camp the asian man runs and tackles Michael into the water and starts to punch him and try to drown him. Sayid and Sawyer rush to Michael's aid and capture the asian man. They then handcuff the man. Sayid tries to question Michael by asking him why the man was trying to kill him. Jack and Kate bring the water back down to the camp while Locke and Charlie stay to clean up. Locke is suspicious of Charlie, and secretly tries to find out what Charlie is hiding.
Curtesy of FanPop
During the episode the asian woman had many flash backs of her husband. At first he was a very loving man but turned into a frightening person. To marry her and to get her father's blessing he started to work for him. One night he comes home with a lot of blood all of his suit and hands. She tries asking him what he did, but he tells her that he does everything her father tells him to do. Her husband starts to seem like a abusive man. He already controls the relationship more than she does. At the airport before the crash she had made a plan to escape from him and make it look like she was kidnapped. She panics and decides not to do what she had planned and joins her husband on the airplane.

Locke discovers that Charlie is a drug addict. Locke finds his guitar which is on a cliff side and decides to make Charlie a deal. He confronts him and tells him if he gives up the drugs he will find his guitar. Charlie agrees and instantly becomes happy with his long lost guitar. Locke does realize that Charlie will start to feel the drug withdrawal. Back at camp Jack starts to convince some people to move into the cove area where they can easily survive. The only thing blocking people from moving is if a boat passes by they will still be on that island.

The asian woman walks to Michael and speaks to him in english. The woman tells him that her husband tried to kill him because Michael was wearing her father's watch which is precious to her husband and to have honor he must protect that watch. She also tells him that she needs help, and that her husband has a temper (Her name is Sun). Michael talks to the asian man and tells him to stay away from him and his son (I'm not sure if the man understood Michael). Michael also tosses the watch at him.

Jack and the people who want to move in the cove finish packing and make their way up toward the mountain, and toward their new home.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Find your White Rabbit (Part 2)

The camp is running out of water, and people are starting to go into panic mode. Sayid and Kate see that the Asian couple has gotten water mysteriously. Sayid yells at them, asking them where they got it. It is like a battle of two languages. After a few hand signals the husband points to Sawyer. Seems obvious huh? Sawyer of course stole the water, seems like he would do it. Sayid says that Sawyer is a rat and rats always lead them to their hole. And he does. The find his secret stash, although no water is there. Sawyer says that he traded his water for a fish that the couple caught.

Meanwhile Jack is following his dad (His white rabbit). Jack is running for him, and trips and almost falls off a cliff when superhero Locke saves Jack just in time. Locke gives Jack a talk, and tells him about the white rabbit, and how Jack needs to find it. Locke leaves Jack to continue searching for water, while Jack goes back on his hunt for his rabbit. Jack walks into a cove area where there is fresh water running down the rock like a little waterfall, and there is also a lot of baggage from the crash. Jack sees the coffin carrying his father. He walks over and breaks open the coffin but his father is not inside (I'm confused).
Curtesy of Lostpedia

Back at camp they find the thief who stole all the water. The person is giving water to the pregnant lady, Claire. The man gets thrown out of the tent. It is Boone, who earlier in the episode was trying to save the drowning woman but himself was also drowning. The camp gets rivaled up at Boone when Jack magically appears out of the forrest to lecture the camp about how everyone is getting mad at Boone when he was earlier trying to save a drowning woman. He also shares the news of fresh water up in the cove that he was exploring (picture above) and how he is going to lead a team of people to get water the next morning. I'm thinking that Jack's white rabbit is the empty coffin in the coven where his father was supposed to be. I don't understand why he isn't in the coffin because Jack had to break open it to see if his father was in there, so his body couldn't have fallen out. Maybe we will learn in the next episode by right now I'm super confused but also very excited about watching the next episode.

Predictions for Next Episode
Jack and his team will obviously find the water from when Jack was chasing his white rabbit. I also think that Claire will give birth to her baby when Jack is gone getting water which will cause a huge problem for the people at the camp. I think that Boone will try to find a way to revive his reputation but by doing that he could perhaps dig himself deeper in a hole.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Find your White Rabbit (Part 1)

Season 1 Episode 5: White Rabbit

NOTE: I am making this two parts to cover all the important information of this episode!

A confusing episode if I don't say so myself, but also a very interesting and vital episode. It starts off as Jack as a little boy and he and his friend are getting beat up by some older kids. Now, this is the confusing part of the episode because I really didn't know how this applied or connected to anything in this episode. So, then you see Jack's Dad talking to him and telling him do not stand up and be the leader because you don't have what it takes, and if I were his son I would be like "Wow, thanks pops" (sarcastically).

Charlie rushes to Jack and wakes him up talking to him that there is a women in the water. Jack gets up and gets into the water as fast as flash the superhero can run. He saves one person, Boone who also had the intentions to save the women. Jack doesn't realize it yet but Boone tells him that there is another women in the water. Confused Jack doesn't make a decision to save the women and instead save Boone. Personally, I don't blame him in that situation because if I were him would probably be freaking out.
Curtesy of another Lost Blog
Jack sees the man in the suit again. He rushes towards the beginning of the forrest and falls down. The man turns around and it's his dad, but remember last episode how I thought that Jack was hallucinating? Well, I think he still his. Then Jack has a flash back. He is at his childhood house where his parents continue to live and you see him and his mother talking about his father. His father is a little unusual and so he leaves the house when he is upset, or just whenever he wants to. His father has gone to Australia and his mother wants him to go get him and bring him back. Jack doesn't want to and his mother is kind of expecting him to do that for her. Reluctantly, Jack goes to Australia. 

Back at camp, the group is running out of water. They don't know what to do and the pregnant lady, Claire just fainted and doctor Jack is missing. So they try to treat her by themselves. She needs water but someone stole all the water. Kate, Sayid, and Locke have a discussion and decided that they need water. Well duh? And so the once paralyzed man, Locke is determined that he will go out and find the much needed water for the camp. He offers himself because he knows where to look.

                                                           Part Two Coming Soon!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Walking Once Again

Season 1 Episode 4: Walkabout

In this episode, so much had happened. Where do I even start off? Ok, at the beginning you see the "mysterious man" (the name I gave him) laying on the ground. He wiggles his toes to see if his legs are broken. It seems like a normal thing to do, checking to see if anything was broken, right?  Well I don't think so.

Vincent is barking. He doesn't stop and so people start to wake up. There is a weird noise like something is in the fuselage. Jack and Sawyer go to check it out while being trailed by a group of people. They find boars in there scavenging on the dead people from the crash. Everyone runs away and the boars also run away. In the morning the camp realizes that there isn't enough food, so what do they do to get more? You guessed it, hunt boars. Getting ready to head out to hunt boars Kate stops by Sayid and sees that he is working on a signal receptor that can pick up a transmission, because he said if the french women had that distress call for sixteen years there would be a significant energy source. Leading the group, the mysterious man, named Locke. His two companions, Kate and Michael. When they head out Michael gets injured by a boar slitting his leg. Locke leaves Kate and Michael alone to get back to camp while Locke continues the hunt.

During the hunt, Boone and Shannon (step-siblings) fight about staying alive because Boone is fed up with Shannon because he believes that Shannon can't survive without the help of him. He challenges her to ketch a fish. Shannon recruits Charlie who thens gets Hurley to ketch the fish for him. Charlie presents the fish to Shannon in front of Boone feeling proud. Charlie realizes that he had been used by her. Throughout the episode Jack goes over to the lonely Rose who is sitting alone in the sand i'm assuming grieving for her lost husband. Jack comforts her and talks and makes her feel better, and tells her that the fuselage will be burning tonight as a memorial to the dead lost in the plane wreck. Rose agrees to come. Jack offers that she could be able to say something for her husband but she denies him because she believes that the people in the tail of the plane were lost and are thinking that this group is actually dead.

Jack goes to see Kate who just returned from the trip. They talk for a few minutes when Jack sees a person in a suit at the edge of the forrest. I was thinking that Jack was hallucinating, but it was some kind of alarm type thing because he runs over to the man who then disappears and sees Locke pulling a boar out of the forrest. The burning of the Fuselage begins to burn and the memorial takes place.

Locke has a flash back to his trip to Australia where he wants to do a walkabout, but denied by the company because of his condition, and you see that Locke was paralyzed from the legs below! I did not see this happening and was an amazement to me when I realized what that actually meant when he was wiggling his toes!
Lost Top 25 Moments Locke in the wheelchair Top 25 Moments From 6 Years of Lost
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Predictions for next Episode
Kate did not succeed in finding a signal with the receptor thing because she accidentally dropped it off a tree. That said, I think Kate will try again, maybe this time with help of Jack. Otherwise I have no clue what's going to happen.